Mazz’s softball pizzaz
An interview with softball player Jules Mazzolini (’22)
Left to right: Jules Mazzolini (’22) and Haley Brooks (’21) at a softball game. Photo courtesy of @viewpointsoftball
April 15, 2019
The Patriot: How long have you been playing softball?
Jules Mazzolini: “I have been playing softball since I was four years old. Every memory I have is a time where I was playing softball and I can’t remember anything before playing. I have always played at a higher level and have won district championships, states, and a regional tournament.”
TP: What is your favorite position?
JM: “I have been a shortstop for most of life and it’s my favorite position. At Viewpoint I have to be the pitcher as we don’t have one, which has been a very fun and different experience. The hardest part for me about softball though has definitely been just knowing that we will get better. As I have been playing all my life, it’s hard to teach people who have never played before, as I have been playing at a higher level then we’re currently at. It’s definitely frustrating but a lesson I needed to learn. I help out coaching most of the time and I try to never give up on my teammates, no matter what my frustration level is.”
TP: What is your favorite aspect about being on the softball team?
JM: “My favorite aspect of being on the softball team is bonding with my teammates and getting better. Being a non-experienced team, growing together and wanting to get better is so important and a challenge we get to take on together.”
TP: Do you think there is a stigma around being a girl who plays softball? If so, why do you think there is a stigma and how do you combat it?
JM: “There’s definitely a stigma about being a girl who plays softball. People usually don’t accept softball as a real sport and assume it’s just a counter sport to baseball. Not many people watch or even know that there’s a softball team here, which is something that is hard to face. People stereotype people who play softball as non-athletes and kids who are just filling their sports requirement, not knowing we are getting better and getting the support we need.”
TP: What is special about being on a team with so many girls in your grade?
JM: “Having a lot of freshmen is something special, as we only have three sophomores and no juniors or seniors. It gives us much more time to get better and connect with people from other grades. We all care about each other very much, no matter which grade, which is great because you can always talk and rely on someone to be there with you, like a family.”
TP: How have you been shaped by your softball coaches at Viewpoint?
JM: “Our coaches are very helpful no matter what. They make us the best we can be always and are always encouraging us to get better. They always believe in us and encourage us to keep trying no matter how defeated we might feel.”
TP: How have you bonded as a team?
JM: “Like I said before we have become a little family and have really bonded together and support each other. We can always count on each other to talk to and be there for. Every family has their issues and during games, frustration can be ours, but our little problems keep us together as a team now and for years to come.”
TP: What are some highlights or memories that the team has created thus far?
JM: “Every little moment is great for us, whether it’s catching our first fly ball or going to seven innings without a mercy is a great challenge we’ve overcome. We celebrate everything in the moment and are always proud of one another. It helps everyone believe in themselves that they can get better and be the best they can be, on and off the softball field.”