Bobby Morrow announces his candidacy for president


Longxuan (Barry) Yao, Editor-In-Chief

Junior Bobby Morrow (23′) has announced that he will contest in the 2022-2023 Student Council Executive Board President race. In an email conducted with the Patriot, Morrow detailed his ambition and reasoning of why he wants to run for the office and voiced his opinion on how the administration and the council can work together. 

Running against Max Wiseman (23′), Grant Humphrey (23′), and Violet Kaltman (24′), Morrow has served as tenth-grade class president in 2020; within his class, Morrow served with then-treasurer Grant Humphrey. Bobby Morrow will face his former student council colleague as both try to convince the students to elect them as the leader of the entire student body. If elected, Morrow will replace the graduating senior H.H. Landau as the head of Student Council. 

“I am very experienced,” writes Morrow, “I have been working with different administrators since my first time in student council.” Morrow has worked with the Student Council on Homecoming dance; Morrow believes that the next dance shall be hosted in an outside-of-school venue “[I believe that] the class of 2023 and all lower classes deserve a real homecoming dance at a real venue.”

Morrow is also committed to lobbying for student needs in front of the administration, “I will attempt to rally the student body to lobby administrators into achieving our goals.” But he concedes that the administration should pursue a professional relationship with the council since both strive to improve student lives. “Our desires will be expressed,” Morrow told the Patriot. 

This year’s presidential race sees Max Wiseman and Bobby Morrow go head-to-head again, as both men ran for tenth-grade class president, the result was in Morrow’s favor. 

Bobby Morrow will present his candidacy to the entire high school community on April 28th, the day of the Executive Board election. Morrow will speak to upper-level students in a platform that resembles the first time Viewpoint School has conducted such an assembly after return-on-campus teaching. 

“Vote for me,” says Morrow.