The Rise of Thrifting: How this “Trend” is Improving the Climate Crisis

September 13, 2022
As early as the 1800s ideas of reusing and recycling clothing emerged. With this Industrial Revolution came a glimpse into the world of fast fashion that has since transcended our modern world.
Although this cheap mass production of clothing brings with it affordable prices for consumers and profit for companies, it comes with a consequence.
Carbon emissions, water pollution, public health hazards and exploitative labor are just a few of the many negative results arising from fast fashion. Out of these, carbon emissions are just one of the factors we can work towards helping individually. But the question that remains is how? The answer to that is thrifting.
For starters, it prevents clothes from going to landfills where they take years to decompose, and rather gives clothes back to those looking for cheaper or trendy alternatives. The thrift cycle of recycling, repurposing, rewearing and rebuying is one of the most sustainable strategies you can incorporate into your life, and encourage others to do as well. Not to mention, it reduces your carbon footprint by limiting the natural resources used to produce brand new clothing (designing fabric, mass producing clothes in factories, shipping).
Thrifting not only has an environmental benefit, but it also works in favor of human rights. While fast fashion comes with the cost of poor working conditions, underpaid workers, health issues and underaged labor, thrift stores supply job opportunities to many. The more popular ones like Salvation Army and Goodwill are nonprofits, who’s majority of profit goes to charities around the world.
Help the environment, save some money, benefit the community, and maybe revamp your closet… so, if you haven’t yet, go thrifting!