Queen Elizabeth- Her Funeral, Life and Legacy

September 19, 2022
Viewpoint lowered its flags to half mast on the morning of September 8th, following the announcement that Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth passed away peacefully at Balmoral Castle surrounded by family. At 96 years old, Elizabeth’s death comes at a tumultuous time for the United Kingdom, dealing with both political and economic upheaval in response to the rising European Energy crisis, as well as a turnover in Prime ministers, with Liz Truss stepping into the role.
The Queen was the United Kingdom’s longest serving monarch, ruling through a period of enormous social change. From overseeing post-war England to the nation’s transition from Empire to Commonwealth, to pre and post Cold War, and even Brexit, she lived a long life dedicated to what she saw as her sacred duty.
Elizabeth has reigned since 1952, becoming the crowned monarch at only 25 years, following her father’s sudden death. Supporters from arouund the world are mourning her, but her controversial position as Head of the Commonwealth has frequently drawn criticism due to its colonial history. Although she only functioned as Head of State, meaning she stayed completely politically neutral and had no defining say in any political matters, doesn’t mean she and her family haven’t drawn criticism .
Due to her position as a monarch, the Queen held a position that for many represents the continuation of an institution that has contributed to the loss of culture, land and lives from India to the Caribean. The slave trade, decades of invasion and civil conflict created by the U.K. who continued to enforce colonial rule up until the mid 1900s. Many people choosing not to mourn her death are rightfully upset that she did not do more to address her family’s and country’s troubling and violent history.
With the monarchy considered more of a constitutional tradition and formality in the United Kingdom, Queen Elizabeth’s death has drawn both the adoration of her millions of subjects, as well as calls for a closer look at the necessity of monarchies, in light of the repercussions of colonial rule. Today she is laid to rest at Windsor, alongside her husband Philip. Mourned by her children, grandchildren and country, we also remeber the consequences of colonialism and the many lives lost throughout history due to England’s age-old pursuit of land and power.