Invisible Disabilities Week

Evin Nesburn, Editor in Chief

This week is invisible disabilities week, where individuals are encouraged to recognize and sympathize with others who are suffering from disabilities that are not readily apparent. While these disabilities take on many forms, many individuals who are considered to have an invisible disability relate to each other. 10% of Americans have an invisible disability and 96% of chronic disabilities are unseen (Disabled World). Depression and anxiety are two invisible disabilities that affect a large portion of the population. Both are conditions that people live with that are largely unknown by other people. When talking to others, it is important to remember that you only know a small portion of their lives and that they may be suffering from two common invisible disabilities. Other than depression and anxiety, invisible disabilities range from ADHD to Schizophrenia to Autism to Crohn’s disease. 

Many people disregard someone’s disability because they cannot see it. It is crucial to respect another’s story with their invisible disability. In addition, not very many accommodations are given for individuals with invisible disabilities. In order to fully acknowledge invisible disabilities, it is imperative that the government and facilities give the proper accommodations to people. 

To learn more about invisible disabilities, check out: