Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 is a highly anticipated video-game, which is a sequel to Marvel’s Spider-Man and its spin-off Marvel’s Spider-Man Miles Morales. The game is out now and it COMBINES BOTH HEROES into one game. This article will aim to help you decide if it’s worth purchasing, of course with as few spoilers as possible. I’ll be highlighting the good and the bad about the game, however I cannot stress enough the biases that come with my review. I encourage you to read/watch other reviews to get a different perspective before spending your hard earned $60, (or in my case, $80 for the preorder).
I have been playing all the Spider-Man game content that has come out since 2018, when the first game was released. Since then, I purchased and fully completed all 3 of the DLC (game add-ons) as well as the Miles Morales spin- off. I have a deep connection with these games, as I have been playing since childhood.
So with all of that said, let’s see if Spider-Man 2 is a sequel we’ve all been waiting for or if it’s…ah who are we kidding, I loved it! The game is great; it’s twice the action, twice the world size, twice the spider and twice the men. I had some lofty expectations for this game and in nearly every aspect, the developer, Insomniac cleared those expectations. There are obviously so many moments I can’t talk about due to spoilers, but the amount of surprises and gameplay moments I couldn’t even fathom happening in a video game became almost commonplace. This game is definitely setting the bar high for cutscenes and in game cinematics in the future.
The in-game story seems so ambitious and all out crazy, but grounded at the same time. It truly feels as though Insomniac has lived up to their own ambitions and any fan of the first two games is probably already playing, but if you aren’t convinced yet, allow me to break down my thoughts beginning with the presentation and beauty of the game.
The world is gorgeous, full stop. Whether that be when it’s glistening with floral vibrance or beaten down by a thunderstorm, there are so many unique and beautiful locations/events in the bustling city of New York. Buildings have detailed interiors, and ray tracing (which makes light/shadows seem more realistic) is here regardless of if you’re in performance or fidelity (better looking) mode. The way the camera seamlessly speeds through the city to transition us from one Spider-Man to the other is truly amazing and it shows off the new hardware that Insomniac was able to take advantage of. While its art style might not be the most defined, the speed of loading and the sheer amount of “people” and unique objects that are packed into one game is amazing.
As aforementioned, the two Spider-Men (Miles Morales and Peter Parker) are now in one game together. Some missions, like ones having to do with school, are only playable as Miles(because he is a highschooler), and similarly,there are Peter specific missions such as completing tasks having to do with science. This adds a uniqueness to both characters, but does not divide them, making switching heroes seamless and easy. There are some missions where you can choose which Spider-Man you play as, and these are my personal favorites.
One criticism I did have with the game was the lack of advancement in the stealth category. There are so many things that are able to be done (you are Spiderman after all) but the stealth options/gameplay are almost identical to the previous games. I believe Insomniac is aware of their weaknesses, and now leaves it up to the player to initiate with stealth or guns blazing. As IGN reports, “as someone who found the stealth action of the previous games a little simplistic and routine, a new, louder approach is welcome.” The added freedom in nearly all of the missions boosts the overall experience of playing the game. There are more boss fights and difficult enemies, which was one of my biggest criticisms of the last games. Many characters and villains previously seen make triumphant comebacks, villain or not. I won’t spoil the missions for you, but I will say that they are far more interesting and engaging than the previous games.
So to answer the question, should you buy the new Spiderman? Yes. You should. This game could change the way we play/perceive video games for the rest of our lives, with the new technology of the PS5 being fully maximized, the creativeness of the missions, and TWO SPIDERMEN. Additionally, the game can be scaled according to your video-gaming ability. For a young child, there is “Friendly” mode. However there is “Spectacular” mode for a more difficult challenge. Insomniac caters to every audience possible in this new game, from die-hard Spiderman fans to little kids who are just getting introduced to superheroes.